Full Service Print Supplier
Why do we recommend print? Is it because we have money tied up in expensive printing machinery? Or is it because we have carefully invested in expensive printing machinery so we can recommend it?
Print works. It’s tactile. It’s emotional and it gets results. The digital era has meant it has lost a little of it’s shine but look out of your window, look on your desk. Chances are you can see signs, labels, postcards, packaging, books, banners – it is everywhere. Mankind has used dyes, inks and colourings to communicate and enhance his environment since he decided to stand upright.
Print has an appeal that very few other medias can match. When asked why should you use print the answer is always fairly simple – you do whatever works for your organization and gives you additional revenue and a greater return on your investment. (ROI). Many organizations debate ROI question. Do I promote online with Google Adwords, Social media or email marketing etc – they are led by the latest shiny things and the marketing tactic of the week. Print has been successful for over 2000 years. That is quite a track record. Not only does it work in it’s own right it is fantastic in aiding those other marketing medias.
Here are the facts:
1. A massive 80% of households read or scan the mail they receive.
2. 39% of customers tried a business for the first time because of direct mail advertising, while 70% of customers renewed a business relationship because of a direct mail promotion.
3. A study showed that direct mail advertising gives businesses a remarkable 13 to 1 return on their investment (“ROI”) and printed catalogues have been shown to provide a 7 to 1 ROI.
4. 60% of consumers surveyed make purchases via printed catalogues at least four times each year.
5. 67% of online searches are driven by offline messages, with 39% ultimately making a purchase. Shoppers who receive a direct mail piece directing them to an online site spend on average 13% more than those who do not receive the printed piece. Printed catalogues associated with online sites have been shown to boost online spending by 28%.
Print is not only perfect for your day to day communications but more importantly is critical in the marketing communication mix to build brand and influence decision makers. Don’t ignore the power of printing.
At RWP our production facilities include:
B2 10 colour and B3 5 colour litho printing presses
B3 digital press for short run and personalized print
Large Format ink jets for point of sale, posters and signage
Transfer press for gift and garment printing
1. United States Postal Service – Household Diary Study
2. Direct Marketing Association (DMA) / Pitney Bowes Direct Mail Survey
3. DMA, The Power of Direct Marketing, 2008-09
4. Art Technology Group, Cross-Channel Commerce: The Consumer View (2010)
5. Prospect Offline Channel Influence on Online Search Behaviour Study