We help organisations like yours to create marketing messages and materials that audience

Transform your marketing today

What really is marketing? What does work? From the trenches real world advice without the academia...

99% of business websites don't make a penny. Imagine owning a shop where 99 out of 100 people walk out without buying. Here is what do…

Do you qualify for the promotional materials audit? An impartial review of your printed and promotional materials with a no win no fee approach...

Why most creative is losing you money. Here is what to do about it. Download our free 7 point creative checklist...

Google the most successful online company in the world sent out over 26 million direct mail items in the UK last year. Funny that - may be they know something.…

Is your advertising getting you the results you are after? Our free checklists can improve results by up to 64%…
About You - Who we love to work with
- Marketing Professional
- Business Owner
You work in marketing in an organisation with 8 – 500 employees. You have to keep everyone happy and prove how the marketing department is helping. You have to coordinate a whole heap of marketing disciplines from graphic and website design to exhibition graphics, copywriting, tweets, Facebook and the company Linkedin pages. It seems that the available channels to communicate with your target market are increasing daily. You need to be able to provide the new brochure for the team, you have to coordinate the designer with the printer with the mailing house with the new website landing page and the email flow up with budgets getting tighter and tighter and where has all that time gone.
The problems you face are: You can’t spend the time continually briefing companies on what you need. You need a supplier that understands you, your organisation, your target market, your brand and your competitors and can therefore add that bit of help and advice when you need it.
You are continually chasing. You are chasing copy. You are chasing copy from suppliers, copy from staff and copy from clients. You are chasing orders. When was the job due to arrive. When was the photography to be ready. Where are my proofs and when is that website page going to be live.
You can’t afford for jobs to go wrong. You need a supplier that can just double check that everything complies with the organisational brand guidelines, searches for errors and reports back to you.
Your job is on the line if budgets and timescales start going out of control. You need a company with a transparent charging structure and guarantees for product suitability, timings and mishaps.
You have to coordinate suppliers that can sometimes blame each other when things fall down the middle. You get left with the result and have to find the time to sort out all the loose ends.
You need to ensure that you are getting great value as the budgets are getting tighter and the pressure for results increases. You need a supplier that understands direct marketing and is firmly placed in the real world of generating results.
Your department is feeling the pressure and you need to outsource with confidence some supplementary materials. You need an organisation that can work as a full service supplier as well as help out with the smaller things.
Time is short and you can’t afford to spend hours trawling the web for something from someone that you can’t even trust will deliver. You need a company that do the work for you at the right price with a guarantee.
You need to keep within budget, is there a more cost effective way of doing this? You need to work with an organisation that knows what works, that knows how to communicate your messages in smarter, more efficient and cost effective ways.
You have to coordinate between multiple branches, sales teams, showrooms, language versions and delivery addresses. This is time consuming and prone to errors with a whole range of different suppliers in the chain you need help.
You are running out of storage space. You know if you order more printed materials the price comes down and ideally you would like to print in bulk and call off supplies as and when you needed them.
As organised as you are anything that would save time, add reliability and reduce costs would be a godsend.
You are a business owner with 8 – 150 employees with a small or no marketing department. You are located in the South of England and have typically been in business for over 5 years. You are successful and have managed this on the back of some word of mouth marketing and direct sales. You are now feeling constrained due to the lack of a concerted and profitable marketing programme.
The problems that you face are: You have tried various marketing initiatives but they have failed to produce any decent results. You have lost control over marketing materials that have been created as and when they were needed.
The marketing that you have done was ‘sold’ to you rather than it come from a integrated, measurable strategy. You know how to do your job, you know how to run a company but you’re not a marketing expert. You are short of time. You are desperate to to take your business to the next level but have found it difficult to grow beyond your current size. Internally there is little marketing accountability and the marketing responsibility falls to either sales, a secretary or you.
We help people like you all day every day get fantastic results from their marketing. For a free white paper of how to get your marketing to make click here right now.
Who We Are
What We Believe
We at RWP believe in delivering tangible business results. We at RWP believe in ‘real world’ techniques; we resist the temptation to entertain instead of sell. We at RWP believe that design is for selling and not some sort of avant-garde art form.
We at RWP believe the web is first and foremost about direct response; we feel some should step out of the ‘virtual’ world into the real world of generating profit.
We at RWP believe there is no black art in promoting an organisation or its products; what we do is a craft, part inspiration but mostly know-how and hard work.
The recommendations we make to our clients are without regard to our own self interest; the recommendations we make to our clients are the recommendations we would make if we owned their companies
Our Background
Founded as a publishing company in in 1994, today RWP consists of a small but highly qualified team who offers advice, products and services from a background of considerable experience in both on and offline marketing, advertising, publishing, design and print.
RWP GROUP is a member of the Institute of Direct Marketing (IDM), the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) and The Institute of Public Relations (IPA).
Our Vision
Our vision is to help purposeful brands, nonprofits and mission minded entrepreneurs positively impact the world.
We know that by aligning our clients with causes and helping them become more successful, we bring about a change for the greater good.
"The recommendations we make to our clients are without regard to our own self-interest; the recommendations we make to our clients are the recommendations we would make if we owned their companies."