Marketing Solutions
Is it so surprising that the majority of organisations are not getting the results they so desperately want from their marketing budgets, when all that comes from traditional marketing consultants, design firms and ad agencies is fluff? All these companies can show ads that look pretty, but do they actually sell? The answer, 99% of the time, is no: they never make you more money.
Award winning campaigns very rarely shift product or produce changes. Sure they do sometimes score highly in recollection studies, but that has not exactly helped the business owner. Awareness brand advertising what the big companies do will kill the smaller companies –they need direct response The problem with the marketing industry is that it is not grounded in reality: it is based on academic research which only works for the few. Universities send out graduates with their heads full of theory and little else. Art directors who go to art school and have never sold anything in their lives, sales people, secretaries and managing directors all dabble in the marketing arts, but so very often with no real results. With slick sales people selling pots of marketing gold, it is understandable why money changes hands for not a lot in return.
What works for a FTSE 500 company is not going to work for a small or medium sized business.
Here is one of the problems.
What is marketing? It seems that the experts don’t agree and the books that claim to teach the subject just don’t agree. Here are a few of the better definitions.
The Oxford English dictionary: “Marketing is the action or business of promoting and selling products or services, including market research and advertising.”
The Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM): “Marketing is the management process responsible for identifying, anticipating and satisfying customer requirements profitably.”
According to the American Marketing Association (AMA), “ Marketing is the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large.”
Now was that helpful? I have only chosen the more concise definitions because I don’t want you going to sleep at this point.
At RWP, we have created two new models of marketing tactics that will realistically meet the budgets and goals of owners of small to medium sized businesses.
We’ll show you how to slash your expenses and increase the response to your marketing, whilst generating more business opportunities and accelerating growth.
RWP work initially with this definition: “Marketing is getting people who have a specific need or problem to know, like and trust you.” That’s it. Simple. Then you just need to make it easy for these people to buy from your organisation.
Sounds good I want to know more…